Category: Team Culture

The Squad Year in Review: Numbers that defined 2018

At the start of each new year, we take time as a business to reflect on the past year and all of its wins and shortfalls. Naturally, each year we face new challenges that stretch and sharpen us as a business. At the same time, we are always thankful to look back at the graphs […]
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Welcome to The Squad Billy

Overseer of the revenue, manager of the projects, leader of the team, and tackler of all things operations - Billy Ward has fittingly joined our team as Chief Operating Officer. With over 20 years of leadership experience, and a college soccer coach no less, there's no one more fit to drive our team into shape. […]
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Welcome to The Squad Marshall

Our business is built on relationships - with our partners, clients, team, and community. Without trust-filled, truth-centered relationships we would not have experienced the growth that we have. We've had the pleasure of knowing Marshall Fall for many years, and when we had the opportunity to bring him onto The Squad in May, we knew […]
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Happy to Introduce to You, Kevin Peterson!

Wow - the past six months at The Squad have been a whirlwind! Taking a moment to reflect on it all, we are so thankful for all of the growth we've experienced within our agency. As we've begun new strategic partnerships and filled our website pipeline we've also grown our team, starting with Spencer back […]
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Leading The Squad, 10 Philosophies I've Developed

More and more over the last few years I’ve been thinking about how I lead The Squad. It’s not something I ever thought about for the first 7-8 years. I can think of a few natural reasons why and other reasons based on my internal wiring. Naturally, when there are just a few people to […]
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Looking back at 2017: Growth and Parting Ways

Between copious amounts of holiday parties, last minute Christmas shopping, and simply trying to end the year strong it's all too easy to rush into the new year without even taking a glance back at 2017. As our team is preparing to take next week off to celebrate Christmas and recharge before 2018, we are […]
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“For we are what He has made us, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand to be our way of life.” -Ephesians 2:10
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