Category: Team Culture

Updates on Louisville Coffee Shops from a Guy Who Worked from Them

Wow, this coffee blog has taken on wings and people are hitting the local establishments in droves! That's exactly what we hoped for. Just this week alone, Quills Coffee in St. Matthew, Fantes, and The Paddock in Shelbyville were rocking and slurping. Because of some of the feedback we received from YOU, we updated this […]
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5 Great– and Humorous– Examples of Working Remotely

If you're like us and you transitioned most (or all) of your business to working remotely at home for several months in 2020, we can relate to your unique experiences! Like you, some of our team has had to feed the kids or hold a baby on their knee while answering emails. We've tried to […]
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The Importance of Hiring an Agency Who Values Their Employees

Imagine the excitement (and slight fear) that comes with hiring a new marketing agency for your business. Something was said or done to make you feel like this particular agency was the right fit for your brand. It’s a risk but it’s one every business owner is willing to take. After all, marketing drives sales […]
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“For we are what He has made us, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand to be our way of life.” -Ephesians 2:10
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