Standard for Disciplined Learning - SquadU

The Marketing Squad
By: The Marketing Squad
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Our June SquadU was all about being dedicated learners. Here at the Marketing Squad, we always want to be improving, which means asking ourselves, “Who am I becoming?” The more we improve ourselves, the more proficiently we can become thought leaders in our field and, as a result, help others learn. Therefore, it is vital to create a standard for personal and professional development that we can follow year after year. This includes creating a habit of committing to:

  • 1 hour per month to feed your mind
  • 1 training per quarter to improve a skill
  • 1 half-day per year to clear your head
  • 1 potential event per year to grow as a professional

All of these things include discovering various sources and outlets to ruminate on ideas and ask ourselves difficult questions. 

Alongside this dedication to learning must come accountability. Part of how we do that is by creating 90-day “Rocks” that allow us to set realistic goals in an achievable time frame. Having these Rocks makes keeping each other accountable much easier as we can continually check each other’s progress. We also want to actively share the things we’re learning. Letting others in on what we’re discovering is a huge part of keeping one another accountable. However, none of this can happen if we don’t create a space that encourages and advocates for learning. 

Our SquadU concluded with us debriefing our recent quarterly retreat. The day was all about comfort zones, knowing when we could jump into something, when it was stretching us, and when we needed to take a step back. We learned a lot about one another and, most importantly, the value of supporting each other in our moments of need.

For a deeper breakdown of our discussion, check out the provided slideshow!

Check out the Slideshow!

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