Category: Digital Marketing

3 Social Media Tricks You Might Not Know About

If there's anything certain about social media, it is the fact that it's constantly changing! It can be extremely difficult to keep up with social media trends, even for professionals. No matter how good with technology you are, it is impossible to stay on top of everything; and, as more platforms are added, the struggle […]
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5 Intangible Benefits When You Outsource Your Digital Marketing

When you decide to outsource your digital/inbound marketing to an agency (and we hope you do) you'll gain many benefits. Today I wanted to talk about a few of the benefits we see each and every day, as we partner with 23 ongoing clients... and growing. I'm not suggesting that every business in the world […]
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Social Media - Combining the Graphic Designer and Social Media Guru

Alright, so a graphic designer is essential for certain aspects. These are the people that can make the website creative, add the perfect graphic for a blog, and work their magic for that print ad that you want asap. Let's just say that graphic designers are indispensable. However, these people can get loaded down with […]
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Creative Ways to Develop an Editorial Calendar

If there's one thing I've learned from my time at The Squad, it's that the key to consistent blogging begins with developing a plan; no blogging strategy has ever worked by winging it. When we start working with a client ongoing, one of the first meetings we have with them is an editorial meeting where […]
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Simple Fixes For Bounce Rate and Pogo Sticking

There are hundreds of criteria for web pages ranking well in Google. Many of us know about the value of having authoritative back-links and how high traffic volume can impact page-rank, but there are many other criteria that we should also be focusing on. Two of these important factors that are closely related are Bounce […]
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How LinkedIn Should Be Utilized By Your Company

Your company might use LinkedIn, but do you really maximize the potential of this powerful social network? Most companies and individuals underestimate LinkedIn and do not invest fully in what it can do for their business. This topic is one I love to train and speak on with organizations because it can have such a big impact. […]
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“For we are what He has made us, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand to be our way of life.” -Ephesians 2:10
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