The world of content and digital marketing continues to quickly evolve and change. Here are a few trends that are likely to continue and increase this year.
Video has played a role in content marketing and telling stories for years. One of the pioneers in using video to promote and sell a product is BlendTec and they are still going strong with their "Will It Blend" campaigns.
There’s a reason that Google acquired YouTube in an all-stock deal worth about $1.65 billion and the video trend is becoming more and more important regardless of industry. Here are a few key 2016 stats worth noting from an article by Insivia.
Making video a part of your plan is a must.
The volume and quantity of content are on the rise and will continue to do so throughout 2017. Meanwhile, the quality is decreasing and creating a lot of white noise without much value. Therefore, your marketing plan should focus on quality and depth when creating content. In doing so, your content will rise above the noise, add value to your industry, and position you as an authority. Save your shallow posts and ideas for social sharing.
Google’s algorithms are constantly changing primarily because they now have more data to incorporate into the equation. Just like any service provider, Google wants and needs their search results to remain valuable to the user. Therefore, they are indexing pages in a manner that delivers the best chance for a relevant search result. While it is becoming less about the keywords and more about who’s reading and who’s sharing, keywords both on and off the page are still an important part of the equation.
According to SEMrush, 50 percent of websites are faced with duplicate content issues and 45 percent have missing ALT data.
Using SEO best practices will ensure content ranks well in organic search. It also avoids penalties and allows your website to perform as a whole.
To successfully manage an on-going content strategy takes planning, process, and people.
A survey by Gatepoint Research and Seismic revealed that nearly 50 percent of marketing executives feel that their content management methods are either average or below average.
When your content program is not managed effectively, it can negatively affect the time used for to prospecting and sales process. However, when done right, it will align with your sales messaging and initiatives, as well as empower your sales team as opposed to distracting them.
Let us know if we can help you make it a successful 2017.
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