Has Your Brand Become Stale? I did a recent Thesaurus lookup on the word “stale” and these synonyms magically appeared: musty - smelly - sour - stagnant - watery - dried - dry - faded - parched - rank - reeking - spoiled - stinking - fetid - flat - fusty - hard - insipid […]
SEO, Listicles, Remarketing, Golden Ratio, Omnichannel Marketing, Hamburger Menus, Inbound Marketing, PPC...the list of marketing jargon goes on and on. There are plenty of marketing industry terms and strategies that leave non-marketing folk wondering what the heck they even mean, let alone how to utilize them. Here at The Squad, we're all about making marketing […]
In the business world, there are some facts we all inherently understand about Sales. Sales create revenue, which leads to cash flow, which can, in turn, lead to profits. I remember hearing Peter Thomson put it this way when he spoke at a seminar years ago: Revenue is vanity, cash is sanity, but profit is […]
Blogging was birthed in 1997, or earlier depending on who you ask. They were previously called "weblogs" and since the late '90s, the amount of blogs on the web has grown exponentially. We're talking, by the billions. You may think this means this outlet is overused; that the space is oversaturated, and therefore, not something you […]
As a co-founder of The Squad, I've never been afraid to share our secret sauce. We're not making Big Macs, we're helping businesses grow and transparency is important to everything we do. Here at The Squad, we've found that our sweet spot is ongoing digital marketing partnerships. Many agencies claim to do it, but we've […]
Here at The Squad, we employ a variety of digital marketing tactics to help our clients tell their story and grow their business. Digital advertising is just one of the tactics we use to do this, and we're excited to say that we have taken our Google Ads services to the next level! Recently, we […]
We understand. You may need more time to think about it. Do you want to keep in touch until your mind is made up? If so, leave your name and email and we will send fun things and helpful marketing tips to your inbox from time to time.
Wow! We're honored to embark on this journey with you. Marshall or Bryce will be reaching out very soon, so let us know who they should reach out to and what phone number they should call. We look forward to chatting shortly!