Category: Business Leadership

Keep Your Sales Team Happy, Hire An Outsourced Marketing Team

In the business world, there are some facts we all inherently understand about Sales. Sales create revenue, which leads to cash flow, which can, in turn, lead to profits. I remember hearing Peter Thomson put it this way when he spoke at a seminar years ago: Revenue is vanity, cash is sanity, but profit is […]
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Unleash The Power of An Outsourced Marketing Team

As a co-founder of The Squad, I've never been afraid to share our secret sauce. We're not making Big Macs, we're helping businesses grow and transparency is important to everything we do. Here at The Squad, we've found that our sweet spot is ongoing digital marketing partnerships. Many agencies claim to do it, but we've […]
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More than Branded Content, Crafting the Brand Experience

As a graphic designer, it’s impossible to walk into a storefront, visit a website or see a commercial without noticing the visual elements of the brand; however, you don’t need to be in the industry to experience a brand. All consumers subconsciously seek out brands that make us feel “cooler” or “smarter” or that represent […]
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Why You Need Core Values in Your Business

A few weeks back we started a series about foundational aspects of your business identity. We discussed the importance of a shared company vision. Next time around we’ll talk about your Core Focus, Niche, and Mission. In a few weeks, we’ll discuss your Company’s Marketing Strategy. Finally, we’ll wrap up this particular series with a post […]
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The Importance of Hiring an Agency Who Values Their Employees

Imagine the excitement (and slight fear) that comes with hiring a new marketing agency for your business. Something was said or done to make you feel like this particular agency was the right fit for your brand. It’s a risk but it’s one every business owner is willing to take. After all, marketing drives sales […]
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4 Leadership Observations From Andy Griffith

Our family loves watching Andy Griffith episodes on Netflix. I grew up watching the reruns with my dad, uncles, and grandpa on TBS or TNT. The show never loses its nostalgia for me. In modern days, I may look to Seinfeld or The Office for my fix, but I’ll never lose my love for Andy […]
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“For we are what He has made us, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand to be our way of life.” -Ephesians 2:10
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