Website Wednesday – Bodyworks Musculoskeletal Medicine

Kevin Peterson
By: Kevin Peterson
Reading Time: 2 minutes
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When you're in pain, you want relief. An internet search of your symptoms is sure to bring you a multitude of treatments and cures for your given condition. But how can you know which options you can trust? How can you sort out the "too good to be true" from the "that will never work for me?" The answer is education. A provider who takes the time to educate his or her patients about their options and how they can bring relief moves to the top of the list every time.

A Site That Effectively Educates

This belief is what guides Dr. Mark Conliffe and his team at Bodyworks Musculoskeletal Medicine. As a doctor of osteopathy, Dr. Conliffe treats acute and chronic pain through minimally invasive techniques. He is the only Board-Certified Neuromusculoskeletal Specialist in the city of Louisville meaning he is uniquely positioned to provide proven, restorative practices to alleviate a variety of pains due to injury, disease, and normal wear-and-tear on your body.

When Dr. Conliffe approached us about designing and developing a new site his greatest desire was to educate potential patients and to generate leads through his educational content. Showing his team and sharing testimonials from his patients was key as well. Extensive time was spent learning to understand who Dr. Conliffe's patients were and what specifically set his services apart from similar practices in the region. Then the task of organizing and writing the content could begin. Along with that we prioritized capturing photos and video of his practice and staff. See faces and places help remove any fears a potential patient may have before setting foot into a medical facility.

Bodyworks homepage

User Experience Orientated

The end result is a website with detailed information, relevant content offers and appropriate calls-to-action throughout the site. As potential patients navigate to through internet searches, social content or digital ads they are met with well-organized content and clear and simple next steps.

If you're ready to get your digital house in order, take the next step with The Marketing Squad. We would love to help you build an online presence that educates potential customers and drives them to your front door.

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