How a Marketing Agency Can Save Your Butt

The Marketing Squad
By: The Marketing Squad
Reading Time: 3 minutes

When I am having a conversation with someone about our marketing initiatives at The Marketing Squad, I can't tell you how many times I hear, "Oh, I do my own marketing."

*cue subconscious eye roll*

All by yourself?! Well, that's adorable. Truth be told, unless you are a one man show, you shouldn't be doing your own marketing. That's why God invented marketing agencies. We let you focus on running the business while we continue to push marketing efforts and GROW your business.

Here's another bit of truth: If you ain’t growin’, you ain’t goin’. If your business has kept the same marketing mantra since the introduction of sliced bread, you need an update.

The Marketing Squad has a special skill in getting the word out there about our clients. And there's a lot more thought behind our work than just the tangible initiatives, such as social media or blogging, that we present in our Client Strategic Meetings. Our skill sets include analyzing data, determining which strategies work and which do not, and how we can continue to improve YOUR growth as a company.

Seriously folks, quit drinking the skeptic’s Kool-Aid and get real. Like it or not, if you are trying to grow your brand and tell your story, your business needs a marketing agency. So, if you are wondering how employing an agency can save other things besides just your butt, here are just a few examples...

We Save Your Time, Money & Sanity

When you employ a marketing agency (*cough, cough* The Marketing Squad), you are essentially gaining a friend, so it's important to select the right agency for your business and working style. They should be honest, reputable and reliable. And what do friends do best? They protect you from those big bad scammers that promise immediate results. We never promise immediate results. Hard work and the right methods take time. But we do a few things that can help save you in the long run...

We can save your time. This is a big one since your focus should be on running your business - not marketing it. Each person is equipped with a special skill: you run a business and we market said business. It's really simple. So, quit your worrying over social media, blogging, or your web content and leave that stuff to us. We can do this.

We can save your money. Can I get an Amen?!? Yes, we like to make the dollars too, but not at the undue expense of our customers. You keep us in business, so you have to stay in business. - #fullcircle - We have several tools we use to leverage your business or measure initiatives that we will gladly review with you, but we will never push a product or software that doesn't work for your business. Unfortunately, there are some scammy folks out there claiming to increase your business with a few clicks - please, don't fall into that trap. Those people are not marketers and give the honest ones a bad name. Rest easy knowing we will never scam you into purchasing anything just to enhance our bottom line.

We can save your sanity. After someone tells me they are marketing their own business solo, I follow up with, "How are you measuring your data?" The response is generally a deer in the headlights kind of look. - #facepalm - So, really what they are doing is spinning their wheels with the same old strategy and getting nowhere, because they are not measuring their initiatives or recording any results. Without a set of measurable initiatives, or goals, your business isn't growing. Let us save you the headache and use our tools to measure your success and growth for each strategy.

The Marketing Squad has a unique skill set in that we listen and hear how you, the business owner, wish to tell your story. Then, we take your narrative and tell the story in a way the target audience best receives it.

We are writers, website developers, graphic designers, strategists and more. We can save you money, time, sanity and you may make a few good friends along the way. Ready to talk? Give us a call today.

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“For we are what He has made us, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand to be our way of life.” -Ephesians 2:10
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