Category: Videography

Four Types of Video Content to Achieve Your Desired Outcome

A recent search of the internet told me that when watching a video people absorb 95% of the intended message. I also learned that 84% of people who watched an explainer video made a purchasing decision afterward. I even discovered that videos in ad campaigns increased sales by 34%. So while 64% of all statistics […]
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A Solid Approach to Your Next Video Project

In 2019, companies of all sizes can now afford to produce high-quality video content to tell their stories. The rapid increase in accessibility to professional gear has made beautiful and meaningful stories not just the exports of expensive Hollywood productions. Nowadays companies are using video to tell impactful stories and help customers understand their business […]
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Tips for Creating a Great Promo Video

Video technology has increased dramatically in the past handful of years and the demand has risen to match. Here at The Squad, we are positioned to shoot and produce short commercial videos to promote your business and culture. Here are some lessons we have learned (sometimes the hard way). Spend time planning your shoot. The […]
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Implementing Video Into Your Website

Implementing video into your website can be a great asset in telling your brand's story. The cost of producing professional quality video has dramatically decreased in the last handful of years due to the falling prices of digital equipment. A wave of filmmakers has naturally followed the ease of access into the craft; so currently, […]
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“For we are what He has made us, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand to be our way of life.” -Ephesians 2:10
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