If your company isn't utilizing email marketing, it's time to step up your game.
Email marketing is often treated like the weird uncle your family has to put up with during the holidays. Marketers frequently think it’s inconvenient or that it doesn’t work, but actually, it’s ranked as the easiest marketing tool to use. How often do you check your own email? Is it currently open in another tab? It definitely is on my computer. My email is open all the time, and I can’t stand having unopened emails.
It turns out that I’m not the only one who feels this way. The average business professional checks his or her email at a minimum of 3 times a day. Actually, "check" is a misleading term. Most professionals are always on their email – it’s just always open and on their computer. Now, how often do you check your Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter pages during the work day? My guess is pretty often, but probably not as often as email. Am I right?
I recently went to the Delivera Lunch and Learn, and was blown away by all the amazing information they provided. I was content with getting free Jimmy Johns, so it was an added bonus to learn email marketing statistics that I had never heard before. Since the marketing industry is always evolving and growing, it’s important for marketers like you and me to stay keen on what’s new.
So, now that you know how important email marketing is to your overall marketing strategy, how do you get started? That’s where we come in. At The Squad, we love to help you grow your business by telling your story – so let’s talk.
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