We’ve been honored to have a relationship with Insulated Roofing Contractors (IRC) for many years now. Along with their sister company, Progressive Materials, they have engaged with us in ongoing marketing programs, partnered with us for website design, web hosting, and ongoing development and support.
Up until last month, we had covered all the bases with the exception of one thing. While Progressive Materials proudly garnered a new website design last year, IRC’s home page was suffering in another century. (We can say that because this blog post is all about how we fixed it!)
IRC is the best company for all commercial and industrial roofing. We’ve never had the opportunity to work with them ourselves (in that regard), but if we ever have the need for spray foam insulation, singly-ply or other surface restoration coatings, they are at the top of our list. Their reviews are stellar, and with 40+ years of experience, over 140+ employees, and 140 MILLION square feet of roofing under their belt, we know they can handle any job, no matter how crazy or difficult it could be.
We wanted to make sure all this information was immediately clear on their website as soon as a viewer sees the home page. We started with a video clip for the hero space (the large banner image or video seen first on a website).
IRC has some incredible aerial drone footage, so this was a natural choice! As you scroll, the stats start to fall into place, sandwiched between light copy, Call To Actions, and an automatically updated blurb from their most recent featured blog article.
All of this is followed by a testimonial slider, which has the ability to neatly deliver a small plethora of choice feedback from their recent clients.
A big focus when designing and developing websites is making sure to truly highlight key selling points when featuring a brand.
In the section titled "Why Spray Foam" we wanted to catch the viewer's eyes as soon as they scrolled past the section, and hopefully earn their attention.
Did you know that it only takes 4.5 years to recoup the costs by choosing Spray Foam? What about, that by choosing Spray Foam, a building can experience up to 50 degrees lower roof temperature, and 50 percent lower energy usage?
These stats "scroll" into place as you pass this section, practically guaranteeing that someone will take at least a moment's pause to check-out some of IRC’s highlighted selling points.
Our best feature, however, we saved for last. Not all websites are sales-pitches, and IRC’s new website is a great example of a site that strategically sells, provides resources and information, and now also delivers private content for returning customers.
Warranties, inspection reports, photos, along with other important documents can be saved in a Private Portal that we introduced to the site, and they can be managed by the site administrator, and accessed by the key individuals associated with those records!
With the site complete and launched, we can proudly say that we’ve covered all the bases with IRC and Progressive Materials. We’ve loved working with these guys over the years, building their sites, helping them with content, and social, site changes, and SEO.
If you’re reading this post, there’s at least a sliver of a chance you need a new Spray Foam Roof. If so, please check them out, and let the website do the selling for you.
Another possibility is that you need a new website, or maybe just a website evaluation. In that case, we hope you’ll check us out too. Fill out our free website evaluation form and we will get in touch and see if we’re a good match. Who knows, maybe I’ll be writing about your site here in a few months!
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