Sharpen Your Tools

At the end of the day, who is closing the deal? Who is held accountable for moving the needle and helping to achieve topline results? It’s the sales team. Effective marketing works hand-in-hand with the sales function of a thriving business. Where marketing is responsible for capturing the lead and cultivating it toward a sale, the sales team should still be able to lean on the marketing team to help create, close, and ultimately capitalize on the deal.

Marketing has a few very tangible responsibilities toward empowering sales reps to hit the streets and make the sale. These duties center around the tools a sales team needs to succeed.

Website Development

Maybe you had your website built three years ago. Does it still speak to your current growth strategy? Are users able to interact with it in a way that makes sense to them and leads to the outcomes you have in mind? Do you need to add pages and functionality to respond to customer demand, changing industry compliance standards, or other factors outside your control?

Search Engine Optimization

Does your website check all of the boxes for SEO? Perhaps you optimized it inside and out – both for technical and on-page SEO best practices – a few years ago. Is it current with the latest SEO trends and algorithm factors? Does your website actually rank for the keywords for which you want to be found? What about page load speed? Google cares about this factor, and research shows that a mobile visitor will bounce if it takes more than 3 seconds for your website to load.

Digital Advertising

While we primarily think of advertising in the Amplify Your Brand bucket, we think the sharpening your tools (read optimizing) mindset is worth noting here. Many companies have made use of the growing number of digital advertising platforms to reach new eyes. They have set aside a monthly budget for digital ads and put the time into setting up a solid AdWords campaign or something similar, but then they walked away. Leads continue to come in directly from these ads, but chances are they are paying more per click than they should or missing opportunities with other keywords. Taking the time to refine their blade – i.e., optimize their ad budget, keywords, bid strategy, etc. – will result in the same or even better outcome with less energy expended – i.e., money spent. Are you wasting resources on an outdated or completely forgotten ad strategy?

Marketing Technology Tools

Often referred to as MarTech, the ever-expanding world of digital marketing tools offers new ways to automate your marketing, engage customers in novel ways, and generally simplify your life…if you know how to wield them. Having a team that is competent in the tools in your arsenal is key. We all love technology, but the minute there is an interruption in service or an expected malfunction or error, temperatures begin to rise. Does your marketing team understand how your tools are connected, and do they have the resources to resolve issues should – strike that – when they arise?

Ready to hone your tools for optimal results?


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“For we are what He has made us, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand to be our way of life.” -Ephesians 2:10
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