Category: Website Design

Implementing Video Into Your Website

Implementing video into your website can be a great asset in telling your brand's story. The cost of producing professional quality video has dramatically decreased in the last handful of years due to the falling prices of digital equipment. A wave of filmmakers has naturally followed the ease of access into the craft; so currently, […]
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13 Ways to Ruin Your Website

Friday the 13th is almost upon us and it's the perfect time to think about things that are scary. Obviously, crazy clowns and creepy, stormy nights are up there, but what about losing money and ruining your website? Your website is your digital representative. It tells online users who you are, what you do, and […]
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Why we Partnered with WP Engine for Website Hosting

Where you choose to host your website is a very important decision. There are many things to think about before selecting your hosting provider. Consider the following questions: How important is your website to your overall business strategy (branding, marketing, sales, client service, product delivery, etc.)? Does your website need to be secure? (If you […]
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Why Your Church Needs a Website

We spend so much time educating businesses on marketing to-dos, but we don't want to leave out our friends with religious organizations. We see so many companies neglect their web presence and faith-based groups like churches are no exception. It used to be that having a website was just a necessary tool for getting found; […]
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3 Reasons Why You May Want A Website Redesign Without Getting A Makeover

Ronald McDonald House Charities of Kentuckiana - Design Spotlight It isn't rare for us to find ourselves working on a website for someone and changing nothing but the backend of the site, whether it be a formatting issue, integration problem, or in most cases, lack of mobile-responsiveness. This was the case with Ronald McDonald House Charities […]
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Landing Pages, Can You Have Too Many?

The old adage in life is that too much of a good thing is... well, too much. Excess even in good things can be bad. Moderation is often a key to life—balance a virtue more of us need. Well, throw that aside when it comes to landing pages. The more the better. HubSpot echoes this mantra in the […]
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“For we are what He has made us, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand to be our way of life.” -Ephesians 2:10
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