Category: Grow Your Audience

What Are You Talking About? – Digital Advertising

A Guide to Marketing Terminology for Non-Marketers – Part 4: Digital Advertising This is the fourth installment in a series on digital marketing terminology. Our goal as an agency is to speak authoritatively and execute effectively. We desire to guide our clients to success through the world of digital marketing while not losing them in a […]
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What Are You Talking About? – SEO

A Guide to Marketing Terminology for Non-Marketers – Part 2: Search Engine Optimization This is the second blog in a series on digital marketing terminology. Our goal as an agency is to speak authoritatively and execute effectively. We desire to guide our clients to success through the world of digital marketing while not losing them in […]
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What Are You Talking About? – Sales & Marketing

A Guide to Marketing Terminology for Non-Marketers – Part 1: Sales & Marketing This is the first blog in a series on digital marketing terminology. Our goal as an agency is to speak authoritatively and execute effectively. We desire to guide our clients to success through the world of digital marketing while not losing them in […]
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The Essential Elements of a Marketing Plan

6 Essential Elements of an Effective Marketing Plan If you’re going on a journey, you need to be sure you’ve packed everything you need or have a plan to get what you need somewhere along the way. The same is true of your marketing. You need a marketing plan. You can’t simply set out someday […]
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The Five Things Marketing Should Be Accomplishing for Your Business

5 Key Functions of Marketing At The Marketing Squad, we stress outcomes over activity. It’s a part of our Strategic Doer core value. Sure, what you do is important, but in life, it matters far less what kept you busy and far more what you accomplished. Case in point, no one seems to care how […]
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“For we are what He has made us, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand to be our way of life.” -Ephesians 2:10
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