Category: Social Media

How LinkedIn Should Be Utilized By Your Company

Your company might use LinkedIn, but do you really maximize the potential of this powerful social network? Most companies and individuals underestimate LinkedIn and do not invest fully in what it can do for their business. This topic is one I love to train and speak on with organizations because it can have such a big impact. […]
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Squad U: Facebook Local Targeting

In our first installment of Squad U, Joel Gerdis shows us the benefits of local targeting through Facebook. If you are a business owner with a Facebook account (If you don't have one, create one!), Facebook advertising is an affordable way to target your marketing strategies and develop inexpensive campaigns around your business. What You […]
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Your 2016 Guide to the Best Free Efficiency Apps for Mac OS X

With the continually growing adoption of Mac computers in the office and a stronger demand for software and applications that will increase productivity and efficiency, there has been an increasing supply of free or relatively inexpensive programs for OS X that almost any Mac user could use on a daily basis. Below I have listed […]
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Three Ways to Make an Impact with Instagram

Instagram (IG) is becoming one of the best online marketing tools for many companies. IG not only allows you to promote your business, it allows you to connect with your target market on a much more impactful level. If you’ve ever heard the term "Instagram famous," then you probably already have an idea of IG’s […]
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Facebook Response Rate and Time

Facebook has become an essential part of many marketing strategies. Actually, it's really a part of being in business today. We connect with current clients on this platform to inform and engage them. We meet potential customers here as well as interact with industry peers and everyone in between. However, sometimes Facebook's landscape and algorithm […]
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“For we are what He has made us, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand to be our way of life.” -Ephesians 2:10
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