Website Legal Compliance

Protect Your Business with Website Legal Compliance

As your Trusted Allies we want to do our part to help your business remain compliant, but ultimately we want to help protect your profits.

A website legal compliance plan with The Marketing Squad includes two things:

  1. A custom privacy policy that informs your website users of the types of information you collect and how you intend to use it.
  2. A cookie consent pop up to comply with laws that require website operators to first get consent PRIOR to placing non-essential cookies on a website visitor’s browser.

Our privacy policy generation solution will adapt to comply with the new laws being passed regularly by countries, states, and other bodies. The goal is to keep you compliant and protected without having to chase the details of the ever-changing legal landscape.

Sign up for a Website Legal Compliance plan

Your business is likely required to have a privacy policy

If your website contains any of the following features you need a privacy policy and cookie consent pop up.

  • Contact forms – Do you collect personal information such as names and emails and often share that data with email service providers (like Gmail, Google Workspace, Outlook, Hotmail, etc)?
  • Analytics tools – Does your website utilize analytics tools to track users and possibly collect personal information such as IP addresses and information regarding that user’s interactions with the website?
  • Newsletter subscriptions – Do you collect email addresses and share those emails with third party email marketing providers (like Mailchimp, HubSpot, Constant Contact, etc.)?
  • Ads – Do you advertise on social media and search engines which includes the use of pixels which can track user movement and even collect the personal information of website visitors including their IP address?
  • Security features – Do you utilize security features like reCaptcha to track user movement and even collect the personal information of website visitors including their IP address (and share that data with third parties for security purposes)?

Bottomline, you need to take precautions to protect your business

If nothing else convinces you to have a privacy policy, the threat of legal action should. If you collect data without a clear privacy policy, you expose yourself to potential fines and lawsuits that can cost you more than you might expect.

Here are the violations you will face for non-compliance with some major privacy acts:

  • GDPR: 2% of your worldwide annual turnover or up to €10 million ($12 million), whatever is highest.
  • CCPA: Up to $2,500 per violation and up to $7,500 for intentional violations or violations involving known children.
  • CPA: Between $2,000 to $20,000 per violation.
  • COPPA: Up to $43,792 per violation
  • HIPPA: Tier 1 fines charge from $100 to $50,000 per offense; Tier 4 charges have no upper limit.

Sign up for a Website Legal Compliance plan

Add a custom privacy policy and cookie consent pop up to your website for $199 per year.

Indicate your desire for this service by completing the form below and we will schedule a 15-minute phone call to gather the information necessary to generate your unique privacy policy.

By submitting this form, you agree to be contacted by The Marketing Squad via phone, text message or email.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

NOTE: The Marketing Squad is not a law firm. As such we do not offer legal advice and cannot be held liable for any matters arising from the generation, implementation, or application of any of the policies created using our selected third-party policy generator. 

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“For we are what He has made us, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand to be our way of life.” -Ephesians 2:10
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