Nathan Robertson

Nathan Robertson

Marketing Manager

Nathan is our Marketing Manager here at The Squad. He has a deep passion for writing and creating engaging content. You'll find him working on website copy, blogs, and email content. He also has experience in videography and we couldn't think of a more perfect interviewer and content editor on a video shoot than Nathan!

Nathan is a big movie and theatre buff! He has been in 13 productions including Jane Eyre, Music Man, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, The Great Gatsby, A Midsummers Night's Dream, and Beauty and the Beast. That love of theatre was his first connection with his wife Sabrina. Nathan and Sabrina actually went to the same school since kindergarten but didn't connect until after college at a friend's wedding! As a dance teacher, she has tried to teach him some new moves to no avail. FUN FACT: Nathan is a published author and has a song on Spotify (he won't tell us the title though...)

Storytelling has always been a part of Nathan's DNA and we're thrilled to have him at The Squad!

Strength Finders Top 5:

Connectedness, Ideation, Belief, Harmony, Deliberative

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“For we are what He has made us, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand to be our way of life.” -Ephesians 2:10
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