Elspeth Curtis

Elspeth Curtis

Senior Web Developer

Elspeth carries the title of “best hat game” in the office. Along with her style, she brings a wealth of knowledge and her warm, friendly energy to The Squad. When you visit our office, you’re most likely to find Elspeth with her cute pup/assistant, Scout. Elspeth is a brilliant web developer. She loves the intentionality and attention to detail that go into creating a new website. Her passion for innovative web design and user experience make her stand out here at The Squad.

She is a world traveler and even spent time teaching English in South Korea. Reach out to Elspeth to recommend the best international treats if you’re looking to expand your foodie knowledge!

We’re so happy to have Elspeth on our team!

Strength Finders Top 5:

Restorative | Intellection | Empathy | Deliberative | Achiever

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“For we are what He has made us, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand to be our way of life.” -Ephesians 2:10
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