Squad U: Facebook Local Targeting

The Marketing Squad
By: The Marketing Squad
Reading Time: < 1 minute

In our first installment of Squad U, Joel Gerdis shows us the benefits of local targeting through Facebook.

If you are a business owner with a Facebook account (If you don't have one, create one!), Facebook advertising is an affordable way to target your marketing strategies and develop inexpensive campaigns around your business.

What You Can Do with the Facebook Ad Tool:

  1. Target your location. This tool allows you to drop a pin around your location to better target your radius, audience, and impact.
  2. Narrow by radius. Choose a radius around your location. For optimal impact, we recommend about a 10-mile radius around your business.
  3. Choose your audience. Use the tool to determine the gender, age range, language and most importantly, the interests of your audience you wish to reach.
  4. Know your impact. Choose a value to place on advertising strategies, and adjust the slider to see how many people you will reach within the demographics you selected.

The Facebook Ad Tool is a fantastic opportunity for small business owners to implement a strategic and affordable ad spend for as little as $5-$10 per day, reaching hundreds of potential customers.

If you have not taken the steps to get your business the attention it needs, contact us. The Marketing Squad has a full house of professionals ready to make your goals a reality.

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